| © Andrew Ayre 1995–99 © Ray Favre 1999–2010
For users of RISC OS machines
Applications from Dr Wimp users
(As notified by 2012-01-07)
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Changes made in latest Dr Wimp release
!Calibre by Ray Favre
A very comprehensive application for designing and printing calendars of all shapes, sizes and types.
New release!! Version 3.23 (2012-01-01, 254k)
(Ray’s last release was 3.21, dated 2009-11-27)
!LaBella by Ray Favre
A very comprehensive application for printing labels from CSV files.
New release!! Version 6.43, dated 2011-Dec-15 (323k); small updates to manuals too
(Ray’s last version was 6.40, dated 2008-08-21)
!CSVamp by Ray Favre
A desktop utility for “revamping” CSV or TSV files. You can change order of fields, extract fields, combine fields (with or without inserted text), change between CSV/TSV format, change between LF/CR/LF+CR/CR+LF record terminator, add fields, split fields etc.
Version 3.10 (2008-02-16)
!meDDLe by Ray Favre
An application for converting OvationPro DDL files to HTML.
New release!! Version 2.21 (2011-Nov-28) (587k)
(Ray’s last release was Version 2.20 (2007-05-01)
!DirPrnt by Ray Favre
A small application that allows you to send files across a network to a printer.
Version 1.31 (2007-02-20)
ASCII Charts
Not an application. Just a selection of charts - in different formats - showing the ASCII characters and their codes.
Star Commands in HTML
Not an application. Just a fully indexed list - in HTML format - of the Star Commands made available with the RISC OS4.39 ROMs (by kind permission of RISCOS Ltd).
Download Star Commands. (34k)
Impression Pamphlets by Ray Favre.
A step-by-step guide to printing an A4 Impression document as an A5 pamphlet.
Download ImpPamphlet.zip
!SuDoku by Mark Hutchinson.
An application to solve Su Doku puzzles.
Visit http://hutchies.iconbar.com/down.html#sudoku
!SuDoku by ANON.
An application to help you solve Su Doku puzzles. The author wishes to remain anonymous and would be happy if others explore and/or extend this offering.
Download SuDoku.zip
!SiteMatch by Dave Edwards.
A utility to keep track of changes made to your web-site (and more).
Visit http://richardporter.me.uk/riscos/sitematch/
!PCLInfo by Philip Perry.
A utility for Printout files (filetypes &FF4 and &FF5) with particular
emphasis on analysing HP PCL data.
Contact pjperry@freeuk.com
!account2 by Kevin Edwards.
A home accounts application.
Contact ksedwards@lineone.net or visit http://www.ksedwards.ukgateway.net
!Ps2PDF by Tim Nicholson.
A utility to produce PDF files.
Visit http://www.runton.ndo.co.uk
!SimpWeb by Graeme Wall.
Converts blocks of text to HTML.
Visit http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/riscos/soft.html
!NurseW by Graeme Wall.
A utility to use with DrWimp, to help enter Dr Wimp functions into your Basic listing.
Visit http://www.greywall.demon.co.uk/riscos/soft.html
!HTMLbar by Matt Bellamy.
A utility which provides a button-bar to make it easy to enter HTML 'tags' into a text editor. Most tags are are available without taking too much screen space. (Unusually, the application comes with a tutorial text-file explaining exactly how the key aspects of the program were achieved using Dr Wimp)
Visit http://www.angelfire.com/mt/wumps/Ros.html
!dType by Matt Bellamy.
A simple utility to allow drag'n'drop setting of filenames.
Visit http://www.angelfire.com/mt/wumps/Ros.html
!Multirun by Matt Bellamy.
A sort of file playlist, allowing files from different directories/discs to be run as if they had been dragged as a selection from a filer window.
Visit http://www.angelfire.com/mt/wumps/Ros.html
!Pic_Index by John Williams.
An application to create an HTML index for JPEG Thumbnails.
Download http://www.PicIndex.info
!dName by Matt Bellamy.
A utility to rename/append multiple files. (As with !HTMLbar (above), the application comes with a tutorial text-file explaining exactly how the key aspects of the program were achieved using Dr Wimp)
Visit http://www.angelfire.com/mt/wumps/Ros.html
!TextSeek by Harriet Bazley.
A WIMP front-end to a fast machine-code file search routine which uses throwback to display search results in context.
Visit http://www.bigfoot.com/~chrisbazley/utilities.htm#textseek
!Feasts and !Holidates by Rex Palmer.
Two applications to tell you important religious and secular dates in the past, present and future.
Visit http://www.arisc.co.uk/
!PrimeChek by Rex Palmer.
Input a number to find out if it is a prime or not.
Visit http://www.arisc.co.uk/
Various by Alan Wickham.
Several applications concerned with photography or image manipulation - all by Alan Wickham.
Download !FadMasks (158k) Masks for vignetting. (see Archive Vol. 18, Issue 11)
Download !FractGen (82k) Generates fractals.
Download !OrdPals (375k) Generates palettes with 'gradual progression'. Can be used for a wide range of toning effects on images.
Download !Roulards (363k) Generates repeated circlular elements along peripherary of circle/ellipse/straight-line.
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How do you get Dr Wimp?
You can get it by clicking below.
The current complete "Dr Wimp package" (as defined for Conditions of Use) comprises the following downloadable files:
- DWxxx.zip
- Docsxxx.zip
- Elixirs.zip
- Utils.zip
- Examples.zip
All the above files are normally upgraded with each new release. Therefore it is important not to mix files with the same name from different releases.
DW500.zip (95k) - the new !MyApp skeleton application, including the DrWimp library and !RunImage - plus Upgrading instructions and a 'ReadMe' text-file listing the contents of the total Dr Wimp package; plus text-files giving the Version Release History and Credits (N.B. This version should run OK with all RISCOS Versions from 3.60 upwards.)
Docs500.zip (930k) - up-to-date documentation for the above Version. Includes Manual in both Impression Publisher and plain text versions, Upgrading instructions, History, Conditions etc. and Tutorial support material. Also includes !Fnc'n'Prc to display/seach/print wimp- and user-function definitions - and a similar StrongHelp file. (The Manual is also available in other formats, see below.)
Please note that the documentation for Elixir_08 (the OLE Elixir) is contained separately with the Elixirs, see next item.
Elixirs.zip (230k) - up-to-date versions of all Dr Wimp Elixirs. In particular, for Elixir_08 (the OLE Elixir) comprehensive separate documentation is included here, mainly in StrongHelp format.
Utils.zip (520k) - several utilities to add to the usefulness of the package. Including: !Fabricate (creates customised skeleton applications); window template editors !TemplEd and !WinEd; !CodeTemps (converts window/icon templates to exact wimp-function Basic code for creating windows/icons within the code, instead of loading from templates, if so required); several optional post-programming utilities to 'link', compress and 'make absolute' your finished product.
Examples.zip (221k) - 25 well-commented small applications demonstrating various aspects of using Dr Wimp - so you can see complete and real examples of how it's done.
For added convenience to existing users who wish only to download significant changes from the previous version - or the Manual in other formats:
DW500.zip (95k) - the new !MyApp skeleton application, as above.
ManImp500.zip (480k) - The complete Manual for the current Dr Wimp Version, in Impression Publisher format. (Included in Docsxxx.zip above)
ManTxt500.zip (154k) - The Manual for the current Dr Wimp Version, in plain text format. (Included in Docsxxx.zip above)
ManOP500.zip (370k) - The complete Manual for the current Dr Wimp Version, in OvationPro format.
ManHTML500.zip (310k) - The Manual for the current Dr Wimp Version, in HTML format.
Fnc500.zip (54k) - The utility !Fnc'n'Prc for the current Dr Wimp Version, giving a desktop reference to all wimp- and user-functions. (Included in Docsxxx.zip above)
FncSH500.zip (160k) - The utility FuncProc for the current Dr Wimp Version, a StrongHelp near-equivalent to the previous item.(Included in Docsxxx.zip above)
Fab500.zip (113k) - The utility !Fabricate for the current Dr Wimp Version. (Included in Utils.zip above)
And, finally, just in case:
Version 3.80 (31st Mar 2003)
DW380Ref.zip (851k) - This version was the one which was current when the second edition of the charity book "Dr Wimp's Surgery" was written and was supplied with that book. It is included here in case you have lost it! It is a cut-down package containing the !MyApp skeleton application, including the DrWimp library and !RunImage - plus compatible versions of the Manual, Tutorial material, !Fnc'n'Prc and !Fabricate.
or you can email me at:
(Sorry about this “non-live” address. It's an attempt to reduce spam.)
and request a copy via Email.
Back to start of page To Ray Favre's Welcome page.
There are many many people to thank for lots of things. Full credits are
inside the DrWimp archive in the Documents folder. Thanks to everyone who
has supported the author with DrWimp over the years. Let's keep it going!
"Dr Wimp's Surgery"
!!! 2nd Edition March 2003 !!!
This all-profits-to-charity book, by Ray Favre, gives a good introduction to Wimp-programming in
general as well as comprehensive coverage of the Dr Wimp package.
Read more about it and how to get it - and help
charity at the same time.
"Starting Basic"
!!! 1st Revision March 2003 !!!
This all-profits-to-charity book, by Ray Favre, is aimed mainly at beginners in Basic programming on RISCOS machines - but it is also a good reference book on BBC Basic.
Read more about it and how to get it - and help
charity at the same time.
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